How to Make Cooking Easier


Many people find the dreaded question “What’s for dinner?” to be incredibly stressful. This is especially true after you’ve spent a long day at the office and have an evening full of homework or household chores in front of you. It may be tempting to order takeout – again – but a fresh and nutritious meal from your own kitchen sounds like the better option. Fortunately, there are ways to make cooking easier, allowing your family to enjoy a home-cooked meal with minimal time and effort.

Use Your Oven and Microwave

The days of slaving over a hot stove for hours to cook your family a healthy meal are over. With advances in technology, you can now use your microwave and oven to cook foods faster than ever. With a hands-free meal, you won’t need to constantly stand over the stove to make sure the ingredients cook evenly and don’t burn.

Microwave and oven meals – especially those using Ready Chef Go! cooking bags – operate on the “set it and forget it” mindset. You’ll simply prep your ingredients, season to your liking, and allow them to cook on their own. While you wait, have a glass of wine, play a game with your kids, or relax with a good book. Your dinner will be hot and ready in no time.

Prep Your Meals in Advance

One of the most time-consuming parts of cooking is meal preparation. If you wait until the last minute to decide on what to have for dinner, there is a good chance that you won’t have all the necessary ingredients at home. A little preparation in advance can save you a lot of time later.

The most efficient meal preppers will take some time out on Sunday to prep for the entire week. These 4 tips can help you start your week off on the right foot:

  • Find freezer-friendly options. RCG! bags can be frozen, so you can prep your meals ahead of time and store them in the freezer. When it is time to cook, simply put them in the microwave or oven.
  • Cook double batches. Double or triple a recipe, and then save the leftovers. They can work as lunch the following day at work, or you can freeze them for another meal the following week.
  • Overlap ingredients. When choosing recipes for your meal prep, group them via overlapping ingredients. If you make chicken for fajitas on Monday, you can also use the same meat for chicken sandwiches or salads on Wednesday.
  • Chop ahead. Wash, prepare, and chop your vegetables ahead of time. Be sure to practice your knife skills to cut your meal prep time down even further.

By prepping your meals in advance, you’ll feel relieved and relaxed throughout the week.

Schedule your Grocery Trips

Running to the grocery store after work is an inconvenient time-waster. By the time you find what you need, check out, and battle traffic to get home, you’ve cut into a good portion of your cooking time. Your family will be hungry, and the temptation to simply pop an unhealthy pizza into the oven will be hard to pass up.

Instead, schedule your grocery trips in advance. Choose a specific day and time that will work best with your work and family commitments. Bring a list of the items you’ll need and your stack of coupons. This will help you to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible, leaving more time for cooking. Plus, you can even pick up a pre-packaged RCG! cooking bag while you're there to make cooking at home even easier. Find a retailer near you who carriers pre-packaged RCG! bags to make cooking even easier.

Take Time to Read the Recipe

Spend a little time reading the entire recipe before you start cooking your meal. This effort will ensure you understand how to prepare the dish and that you have all necessary ingredients. You won’t need to search your kitchen for tools and utensils, as everything will be laid out in front of you.

A good recipe can make a world of difference in your overall cooking enjoyment. In addition to cooking bags, Ready Chef Go! also offers a wide variety of recipes. These easy-to-make meals take the work out of mealtime and will make cooking easier for your family.

Most Importantly, Have Fun!

Don’t think of cooking as a chore or something stressful. Cooking is an experience that your entire family can enjoy. RCG! bags can take much of the work out of cooking so you can simply enjoy the time together with your spouse or children. 

Whether you’re making a quick lunch or a multi-course meal for your extended family, cooking doesn’t have to be a chore. The innovative cooking bags from Ready Chef Go! will help to make cooking easier in your home.

Interested in learning more about this innovative way of cooking?