Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
Best Bread

Reheating bread in a microwave often leads to hard ends and gooey centers, but Ready. Chef. Go! bags reheat bread fresh and as new.

Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

Serving Size Ranges

  • Any type of bread
  • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Microwave and Oven Bag

    Choose any breads that you’d like to reheat and serve warm. Microwaving bread is always problematic, hard ends and gooey wet centers all at once. RCG! bags gently cocoon breads, cushioning heat and evenly warming, using the moisture content of the bread to reheat fresh and as new.

    Standard Microwave and Oven Bags. Place your favorite breads of all types, sweet and savory quick breads, yeast and sourdough breads, muffins, sweet rolls, cornbread, pastries and croissants, and more, into Ready. Chef. Go! bags. Seal the bag.

    COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Microwave on high from 30 seconds to 2 minutes max depending on the size of the loaf. Let rest for 1 minute before opening the bag.

    Garnish with fresh flavored butter, clotted cream, flavored crema and sour cream, jams, fresh, stewed and preserved fruits, etc.

    NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast cooking in the oven. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Scrumptious and versatile.

    Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Best Bread - Ready. Chef. Go!

    Best Bread

    Reheating bread in a microwave often leads to hard ends and gooey centers, but Ready. Chef. Go! bags reheat bread fresh and as new.

    Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

    Serving Size Ranges

    • Any type of bread
    • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Microwave and Oven Bag

      Choose any breads that you’d like to reheat and serve warm. Microwaving bread is always problematic, hard ends and gooey wet centers all at once. RCG! bags gently cocoon breads, cushioning heat and evenly warming, using the moisture content of the bread to reheat fresh and as new.

      Standard Microwave and Oven Bags. Place your favorite breads of all types, sweet and savory quick breads, yeast and sourdough breads, muffins, sweet rolls, cornbread, pastries and croissants, and more, into Ready. Chef. Go! bags. Seal the bag.

      COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Microwave on high from 30 seconds to 2 minutes max depending on the size of the loaf. Let rest for 1 minute before opening the bag.

      Garnish with fresh flavored butter, clotted cream, flavored crema and sour cream, jams, fresh, stewed and preserved fruits, etc.

      NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast cooking in the oven. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Scrumptious and versatile.

      Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.

      Answer:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.