Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
Breakfast Tamale

Enjoy delicious tamales in only 15 minutes in only 3 steps!

Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

Serves 1 Per Bag

  • 1 Tamale
  • 2/3 Cup Favorite Salsa
  • 1 ½ Tbs Pepitas (Hulled Pumpkin Seeds, toasted or raw) or Sweet Mini
  • Pepper Slices or 2 Tsp Hot Pequin Whole Chilies
  • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Dual Compartment Bag

    Load the corn husk wrapped tamale into one side of the bag. Add the salsa and the pepitas or sweet or hot chilies into the other side. Seal the bag.

    COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes or bake in conventional or toaster oven at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes. Let rest for 1 minute before opening the bag. Open tamale husks and top with salsa mix. Garnish with fresh cilantro, crema, paprika, shaved pepper jack cheese, etc.

    NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast cooking in the oven. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Scrumptious and versatile. Breakfast was never faster or easier. Tamales steam to perfection in RCG! bags and come out tasting freshly made. Forget the instructions to wrap them in damp paper towels. ¡Treat your abuelita to a breakfast maginifico!

    Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Breakfast Tamale - Ready. Chef. Go!

    Breakfast Tamale

    Enjoy delicious tamales in only 15 minutes in only 3 steps!

    Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

    Serves 1 Per Bag

    • 1 Tamale
    • 2/3 Cup Favorite Salsa
    • 1 ½ Tbs Pepitas (Hulled Pumpkin Seeds, toasted or raw) or Sweet Mini
    • Pepper Slices or 2 Tsp Hot Pequin Whole Chilies
    • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Dual Compartment Bag

      Load the corn husk wrapped tamale into one side of the bag. Add the salsa and the pepitas or sweet or hot chilies into the other side. Seal the bag.

      COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes or bake in conventional or toaster oven at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes. Let rest for 1 minute before opening the bag. Open tamale husks and top with salsa mix. Garnish with fresh cilantro, crema, paprika, shaved pepper jack cheese, etc.

      NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast cooking in the oven. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Scrumptious and versatile. Breakfast was never faster or easier. Tamales steam to perfection in RCG! bags and come out tasting freshly made. Forget the instructions to wrap them in damp paper towels. ¡Treat your abuelita to a breakfast maginifico!

      Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.

      Answer:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.