Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
Chili Cheeseburger Tots

Chili Cheeseburger Tots are perfect for campouts, picnics, and other outdoor events!

Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

2 Servings Per Bag

  • ½ Pound Tater Tots, frozen
  • 2 Medium Portobello Mushrooms, stems removed
  • 1 Cup of Favorite Chili
  • 2 Slices of Favorite Cheese
  • 2 Medium Burgers (organic beef, sausage, turkey, vegan, etc.)
  • 2/3 Cup of Favorite Grated Cheese
  • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Oven and Grilling Bag

    Load half of the tots into the bag. Fill cavities of the portobello mushrooms with chili saving two tablespoons for top garnish. Top each with a slice of cheese. Top with burger and mound grated cheese on top of each burger. Press the cheese in place and then garnish with the reserved chili. Load into bag, then add the rest of the tots and seal the bag.

    COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: BBQ over indirect heat or roast in a 450 oven for 20 to 25 minutes. If using raw meat burgers, then cook to an internal temperature of 160. If you’d like crispier tots and browned cheese, then cut open the bag on the BBQ and allow to grill 5 to 8 minutes longer. Garnish with grilled buns, lettuce, ketchup, mustard, pickles, grilled corn, and more.

    NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast high heat cooking in the oven and on the grill. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Take this camping or glamping. Great for picnics, campouts, tailgating, and every outdoor event. This will soon become a family favorite for weeknight grilling. Easy as can be and great for kids of all ages.

    Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!
    Chili Cheeseburger Tots - Ready. Chef. Go!

    Chili Cheeseburger Tots

    Chili Cheeseburger Tots are perfect for campouts, picnics, and other outdoor events!

    Courtesy of Chef Mark Cleveland

    2 Servings Per Bag

    • ½ Pound Tater Tots, frozen
    • 2 Medium Portobello Mushrooms, stems removed
    • 1 Cup of Favorite Chili
    • 2 Slices of Favorite Cheese
    • 2 Medium Burgers (organic beef, sausage, turkey, vegan, etc.)
    • 2/3 Cup of Favorite Grated Cheese
    • 1 Ready. Chef. Go!® Oven and Grilling Bag

      Load half of the tots into the bag. Fill cavities of the portobello mushrooms with chili saving two tablespoons for top garnish. Top each with a slice of cheese. Top with burger and mound grated cheese on top of each burger. Press the cheese in place and then garnish with the reserved chili. Load into bag, then add the rest of the tots and seal the bag.

      COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: BBQ over indirect heat or roast in a 450 oven for 20 to 25 minutes. If using raw meat burgers, then cook to an internal temperature of 160. If you’d like crispier tots and browned cheese, then cut open the bag on the BBQ and allow to grill 5 to 8 minutes longer. Garnish with grilled buns, lettuce, ketchup, mustard, pickles, grilled corn, and more.

      NOTE: Ready. Chef. Go! bags allow for excellent texture in the microwave and fast high heat cooking in the oven and on the grill. The results are always succulent and tender. You’ll taste the difference. Virtually no clean up. Take this camping or glamping. Great for picnics, campouts, tailgating, and every outdoor event. This will soon become a family favorite for weeknight grilling. Easy as can be and great for kids of all ages.

      Answer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.

      Answer:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed urna at lorem aliquam malesuada non a dui. Donec justo magna, elementum sed tristique vel, finibus feugiat sem. Nunc risus urna, bibendum at ligula rhoncus, aliquam lobortis orci. Vivamus consequat ipsum in sapien ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam quis tellus eu justo facilisis blandit. Praesent suscipit tincidunt varius. Pellentesque maximus vitae odio eleifend ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur molestie ex quis elementum mattis. Etiam ornare ligula eu mi faucibus varius. Nulla quis nulla nec turpis ultrices finibus.